Join me on Substack to sign up for my newsletter! A life in the professional theater. A profession in the rehearsal room and on the boards. What does the day to day really look like? Get a glimpse into what happens before the curtain goes up. The in's and out's of the business that is not often discussed. Get the details from a working actor's point of view.
I have been a career regional theater actor and arts adminstraor. I have sat on both sides of the table — and have even held a seat as a board member of a regional theater. All the various hats I have worn give me a rather unique perspective on the art form. The inside scoop, traditions, the rituals, the craft and even the mundane.
An interesting read for aspiring theatre artists, patrons who want to learn more, board members who may want a deeper dive, parents who want to understand what in the world their young actors are getting into with this profession...Give "Diary of a Professional Actor" a read. Book coming soon...